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Plumbing Tools

607 products found
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Bailey 1781 Lockfast Plunger 100mm (4in)
Bailey 1782 Lockfast Plunger 150mm (6in)
Bailey 1960 Drain Test Plug 100mm (4in) - Plastic Cap
Bailey 1961 Drain Test Plug 150mm (6in) - Plastic Cap
Bailey 1963 Drain Test Plug 75mm (3in) - Plastic Cap
Bailey 1968 Canvas Air Bag 100mm (4in)
Bailey 1969 Canvas Air Bag 150mm (6in)
Bailey 1970 Canvas Air Bag 225mm (9in)
Bailey 1985 Hand Bellows with Adaptor
Bailey 1986 U Air Gauge 4in with Label
Bailey 1988 U Gauge Tubing (1 Metre)
Bailey 1989 Y Piece
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